8/11/2021 Berkshire Gamers – Session Report #7
by BerkshireGamers
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9 at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown
IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Danny, Margaret, Zach, Edward, Kitty
Go Nuts For Donuts – Sean led and gave up his seat to Danny to lead a 2nd game when others arrived. Silly but fun opener (up to 6 players) from Gamewright, simultaneous card selections (think Montgolfiere or Raj/Hol’s der Geier). Single deck assures it doesn’t overstay its welcome.
Songbirds (2x) – Japanese game led by Sean and later by Wendy.
Ravine – led by Margaret & Zach, cooperative survival game.
Santa Monica – led by Sean – card drafting to create the most valuable beach property
Stick Em (Sticheln) – led by Wendy. Trick-taking with the twist of players declaring a ‘pain’ suit/color that counts as negative points. Same author (Palesch) has a similar 3-suited game with 2 suits per trick as Hattrick. Time to introduce more trick-taking games to the group.
Cascadia – K-ban led this newly arrived KickStarter from Flatout Games/AEG. Create the best environment through drafting of 5 animal type disks and 5 terrain type hexes as pairs.. Clever puzzle game and a likely Game of the Year candidate for 2021. AEG puzzle game series is hitting it out of the park with Calico and now Cascadia.
Sean will lead another highly regarded AEG game, Cubitos, for our next session…..and we will bring back Santa Monica and Cascadia for those who missed it the first time around.
I’ll be bringing Chai and Canvas
A reminder that you can purchase and special order games from Purple Dragon. Niko is making his tables available to our group at no cost….please support his store.
Pretty Please….sign up for our MeetUps group if you haven’t done so already …this will ensure that you receive invitations and reminders. It is easy to RSVP from our Meet-up group by clicking the button. This helps us prepare for each session based on expected attendance.
If you have some game playing friends in the area who would enjoy our weekly exploration of gaming goodness and discovery…..send them our MeetUp link so we can reach them and grow our base of friendly gamers – or send K-ban their e-mail addresses. So far we’ve met our stated Summer 2021 goal of consistently having two tables through Labor Day. Help us reach our Fall 2021 goal of getting to 3 tables.
9 at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Danny, Margaret, Zach, Edward, Kitty ON THE TABLES: Go Nuts For Donuts – Sean led and gave up his seat to Danny to lead a 2nd game when others arrived. Silly but fun opener (up to 6 players) from Gamewright, simultaneous card selections…
9 at Purple Dragon Games in Williamstown IN: K-ban, Sandy, Sean, Wendy, Danny, Margaret, Zach, Edward, Kitty ON THE TABLES: Go Nuts For Donuts – Sean led and gave up his seat to Danny to lead a 2nd game when others arrived. Silly but fun opener (up to 6 players) from Gamewright, simultaneous card selections…