10/6/2021 Berkshire Gamers Session Report #15
by BerkshireGamers
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15 at Purple Dragon Games for our 15th session
We changed things up by pairing off for 6 2-player games (and a 7th with 3 players) to start the evening, with most getting in two games. It was a refreshing change of pace and we will reprise from time to time.
Welcome to Dwayne & Casey, Sofia and Siobhan for their first visits.
IN: K-ban, Sean, Wendy, Emmitt, Quinn, Armando, Drew, Tim, Danny, Zach, Mike, Dwayne, Casey, Sofia, Siobhan
There was a joyous ‘buzz’ in the air…..7 games being played at once, then on to multiplayer gaming fare on 3 tables. We will continue to mix things up with planned theme nights.
Mandala – led by K-ban, 2P abstract from 2019 played on a cloth board with square cards in 6 colors. Players control point values (1-6) for each color through well-timed card play and hand management.
Hanamikoji – led by Tim. (2013) two players compete to earn the favor of seven illustrious Geishas by collecting each Geisha’s preferred performance item.
Glasgow – led by Sean – quick playing city builder from 2020
Pecking Order – led by Drew, 1998 2P abstact by Richard Garfield (Magic the Gathering)
Patchwork – led by Casey, 2014 2P by Uwe Rosenberg (Bohnanza, Agricola, LeHavre) using Tetris like pieces to fill up a 9×9 board. Clever movement and balancing act between VPs and movement. My son Josh’s favorite 2-player game.
Shifting Stones – led by Dwayne. 2021 2-4 P game (Gamewright) – move 2-sided asymetrical stones to match paterns on your card for VPs
Balloon Cup – led by Drew. 2003 from the Kosmos square box 2-player series. race over mountains (high value influence wins) and plains (low value influence wins)
Kabuto Sumo – led by Tim…2021 2P dexterity game pushing disks off a platform
Santorini – led by Sean
Matryoshka – led by Wendy. 2-6 P colorful color-matching game on Matryoshka dolls from 2017
Blokus Duo – led by K-ban – 2005 scaled down version of B4-player Blockus (same pieces, smaller board) for 2 players. Rid yourself of your pieces while your opponent does the same.
Doodle Dice – led by Mike, 3-6 player from 2006…never seen it before….so click on the link
Lucky Numbers – led by K-ban – 2012 (re-released recently) for 2-4 players. fill up your 4×4 grid with clovers numbered 1-20…..but in ascending order for each row and column. We played 4 handed tournament style (4 rounds, taking turns as the starting player).
Ethnos – led by Tim. 2017 4-5 players best.. I’ve never seen it before….check out BGG link below
Pastiche – led by Drew , 2011 2-4 P game on painting masterpieces, color chip by chip. trade chips earned to match your artwork and earn your commission.
If you like Splendor/Bazaar/Century with more theme give it a try..
Lions of Lydia – led by Sean. 2021 hot new release, 2-4P bag-management and engine-building game about the dawn of currency
Vegas – led by Drew. 2012 dice rolling game by Rudiger Dorn (Luxor, Goa, Jambo, Istanbul)
Welcome to …your perfect home – led by K-ban, 2018 flip and write….can easily handle 2-6 players. Best with laminated scoresheets and wipe-off markers to see their fences and house #’s, as players try to make the highest scoring 1950’s neighborhood. One ofthe most engaging roll & write games.
15 at Purple Dragon Games for our 15th session We changed things up by pairing off for 6 2-player games (and a 7th with 3 players) to start the evening, with most getting in two games. It was a refreshing change of pace and we will reprise from time to time. Welcome to Dwayne & Casey,…
15 at Purple Dragon Games for our 15th session We changed things up by pairing off for 6 2-player games (and a 7th with 3 players) to start the evening, with most getting in two games. It was a refreshing change of pace and we will reprise from time to time. Welcome to Dwayne & Casey,…