11/24/2021 Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22
by BerkshireGamers
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10 Gamers at Purple Dragon Games on the eve of Thanksgiving
A Happy Thanksgiving to all our Berkshire Gamers
Drew’s Mom, Dorothy, passed away the previous Friday at 95.
In her honor we played one of the last two games she had played and loved, Skip-Bo (Phase 10 was the other)
A life well spent and she taught Drew to love board and card games…..we are thankful.
RIP Dorothy.
IN: K-ban & Sandy, Sean & Wendy, Quinn, Emmett, Armando, Drew, Dwayne, Emily
Skip-Bo – led by Drew – from 1967 by Hazel ‘Skip’ Bowman, based on Spite & Malice
7 Wonders: Architects (2x) – led by K-ban (3 handed), led by Emmett (5-handed) – 2021 stand-alone addition to the 7 Wonders family….designed to be a quick gateway game, yet retain the flavor and color scheme of the original. Instead of draft and pass, players instead chose from the two face up decks between them and their 2 neighbors or a face down card from the common deck. Each player has a 5-piece 2-sided Wonder to build (from bottom to top) with one side being under construction and the flip side indicating completion. As soon as one player finishes building their Wonder the game immediately ends and VPs are counted from the Wonders, cards on each player’s tableau and a bonus for having control of the CAT. One of the best designed storage systems for quick starts and easy put-away.
Caravan – led by Sean – a Joe Huber 2019 gateway design (we’re still figuring out a rescheduled date for Joe’s visit to Purple Dragon Games) a pick up and deliver game with a budgeted action point mechanic.
Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age – led by Drew, a short roll & write civilization game with a yahtzee-like dice mechanic for re-rolling. Always interesting choices on how to use your rolls wisely. Remember to feed your workers!
The Game – led by K-ban – first time for Wendy & Emmett….cooperative game of exhausting your decks with very limited communication….2 ascending and 2 descending piles.
King of Tokyo – led by Drew – 2011 Richard Garfield design. King of the hill with monsters.
Micropolis – led by K-ban – 2018 game of drafting 10 tiles to build your ant hill with point salad scoring for one’s ants , fruit collection, army ant barracks, largest gallery, largest army and for Queen ants..
The Crew – led by K-ban – 2nd playing in this quirky cooperative trick taking card game….we got through 2 or 3 missions before closing time.
Perudo/Liar’s Dice/Call My Bluff – led by Drew – bluff your way to victory in this 1800 South American dice game in which each player is given five dice and a cup to roll and hide them with. Players make successively higher declarations regarding the results of all the dice remaining in the game. Call a player’s bluff successfully and they lose a die, but if they were telling the truth the accuser loses a die.. Last person with dice remaining wins.
10 Gamers at Purple Dragon Games on the eve of Thanksgiving A Happy Thanksgiving to all our Berkshire Gamers Drew’s Mom, Dorothy, passed away the previous Friday at 95. In her honor we played one of the last two games she had played and loved, Skip-Bo (Phase 10 was the other) A life well spent…
10 Gamers at Purple Dragon Games on the eve of Thanksgiving A Happy Thanksgiving to all our Berkshire Gamers Drew’s Mom, Dorothy, passed away the previous Friday at 95. In her honor we played one of the last two games she had played and loved, Skip-Bo (Phase 10 was the other) A life well spent…