09/28/2022 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #22-38
by BerkshireGamers
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Our 10/5 (it’s already October) session at Purple Dragon Games is a request night – what games have our table leaders wanted to get to our tables and what games did you miss the first time around that piqued your interest?
Tim would like to lead Living Forest (2022 Kennerspiel winner), Nidavellir, Get on Board: London & New York, Next Stop: London and more
K-ban has recently received copies of: Framework (tile-laying/drafting from Uwe Rosenberg), Mondrian: Color in Motion, Planted, Downtown Farmers Market
Rob can lead Atelier: the Painters Studio and/or Arraial
Sean will be bringing Vintage and more
Drew will surprise us with his selections…or not
10/12 Session – Oldies but Goodies – games of the 20th Century. Hard to believe that was over 20 years ago.
Next GameDAY is Saturday November 5 – what longer/complex games do you want to play?
12 at Purple Dragon Games
IN: Steve & Sandy, Sean & Wendy, Quinn, Tim, Drew, Amy, Armando, Rob Sofia, Michelle
The Duke (led by Drew) 2013 2-player abstract with chunky double-sided wooden tiles – offensive on one side, defensive on the flip side..
King of 12 (led by Tim) 2020 simultaneous action card game where players have identical action decks that cancel out if identical cards are played. Novel use of d12 that can be modified to determine outcomes.
Brian Boru: High King of Ireland (led by Sean) 2021 game of trick taking for area control (not a usual combination, but it works here)
Kingsburg (led by Amy) 2007 worker placement game that uses dice as workers to gain the influence of advisors to the King….and defeat those pesky Goblins, Demons and Orcs. Construct buildings using gold, wood & bricks to earn VPs. We played on the 10th Anniversary edition which included the previously released expansions.
King Me/ King Up (led by Drew) 2004 bluffing and voting game – influence your favorite successor to the throne.
Vintage 2x (led by Sean) 2020 Bruno Faidutti designed set collection card game
Ka-Ching/Combit/Trader (led by K-ban) 2001 2-player drafting card game. Either buy a card or sell 2 cards of the same color and multiply their values. Was the influence for many card games that followed – 7 Wonders Duel and Truffle Shuffle come to mind.
Our 10/5 (it’s already October) session at Purple Dragon Games is a request night – what games have our table leaders wanted to get to our tables and what games did you miss the first time around that piqued your interest? Tim would like to lead Living Forest (2022 Kennerspiel winner), Nidavellir, Get on Board:…
Our 10/5 (it’s already October) session at Purple Dragon Games is a request night – what games have our table leaders wanted to get to our tables and what games did you miss the first time around that piqued your interest? Tim would like to lead Living Forest (2022 Kennerspiel winner), Nidavellir, Get on Board:…