3/29/2023 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #23-13
by BerkshireGamers
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10 Gamers playing mostly games about Cats on March 29 at Purple Dragon Games. – though we did have two almost identical Greyhounds (Xander and Glyph) hang out with us.
(led by K-ban) A funky 2015 entry level trick taking game where cats predict the number of tricks to be won for the present hand by their position on the bidding rug. The card suits/colors are indicated on the back of each card making card distribution open for all to see. One fixed trump suit but the winner of each trick has to take one of the cars won back into their hand. A hand ends when a player runs out of cards. 9 VPs or 4 completed hands determine the winner.
(led by K-ban) 2022 trick taking card game that turns the genre’ on its ear – all 45 numbered cards (1-9 with 5 of each) are black and suit is determined by the card led. Players decide whether to follow suit or declare that they are void. Trumps can be led only after they’ve been broken. A round ends after all cards are played or a paradox is created (no legal card plays)
2x (led by Greta and Ethan) 2020 tile drafting/laying puzzle game with 3 overlapping sets of goals to earn VPs. We had two sets going side by side (one 4-handed, the other 3)
(led by Amy) 2019 polyomino tile drafting game. Each cat is represented by a unique tile and belongs to a family, you must find a way to make them all fit on your boat while keeping families together. Resources need to be managed in order to:
- Explore the island (by drafting cards)
- Rescue cats
- Find treasures
- Befriend Oshax
- Study ancient lessons
Each lesson you collect gives you another personal way of scoring points, and 38 unique lessons are available. Complete lessons, fill your boat, and keep cat families together to score points, and the player with the most points after five rounds wins.
(led by Amy) 2019 game of the year finalist – no felines here, but one of the 3 finalists for the 2022 SdJ award for best family game. Card shedding/climbing card game with unique double numbered cards that can be flipped.
10 Gamers playing mostly games about Cats on March 29 at Purple Dragon Games. – though we did have two almost identical Greyhounds (Xander and Glyph) hang out with us. Welcome to Jeff on his first visit….and welcome back, Greta Sean will be leading our April 5 session as Steve and Sandy will be celebrating Passover.…
10 Gamers playing mostly games about Cats on March 29 at Purple Dragon Games. – though we did have two almost identical Greyhounds (Xander and Glyph) hang out with us. Welcome to Jeff on his first visit….and welcome back, Greta Sean will be leading our April 5 session as Steve and Sandy will be celebrating Passover.…