Berkshire Gamers Wednesday Gamenites moving to North Adams, MA September 6
by BerkshireGamers
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Our home for the past 2 years of Wednesday Gamenites, Purple Dragon Games, is closing on Labor Day. Starting September 6, we will be meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 to 10:30 PM at the Uno Park Community Center, 157 River Street in North Adams, MA.
We’ve been averaging 3-4 tables of Eurogamers on a voyage of discovering modern game design. Our 6 table leaders are friendly and provide a weekly curated experience….every other week is a themed session, alternating with request nights.
Opening night at Uno Park Community Center will be SPACE GAME themed – from among Terraforming Mars, Cosmic Encounter, Moonrakers, Roll for the Galaxy, Galaxy Truckers, Wormholes, etc.
There is no admission, please consider joining our welcoming community of gamers. We email a weekly session report recapping the previous session‘s games (with links to BGG entries) as well as plans for the next sessions.
Shoot me an email “” to receive our weekly session reports. Check out past session reports at “” Hope you can join us.
K-ban (Steve Kurzban)
Our home for the past 2 years of Wednesday Gamenites, Purple Dragon Games, is closing on Labor Day. Starting September 6, we will be meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 to 10:30 PM at the Uno Park Community Center, 157 River Street in North Adams, MA. We’ve been averaging 3-4 tables of Eurogamers on a voyage…
Our home for the past 2 years of Wednesday Gamenites, Purple Dragon Games, is closing on Labor Day. Starting September 6, we will be meeting every Wednesday from 6:30 to 10:30 PM at the Uno Park Community Center, 157 River Street in North Adams, MA. We’ve been averaging 3-4 tables of Eurogamers on a voyage…