10/23/2024 – Berkshire Gamers Session Report #24-43
by BerkshireGamers
- 98
Some parts of each mission are particularly hazardous, awarding players who attempt them with hazard tokens that are worth prestige at the end of the game. However, the player with the most hazard symbols is reprimanded for their chaotic conduct and is awarded no extra end-game prestige.The end of the game is immediately triggered when a player has 3 crew of the same faction or a crew of each faction on their ship. The player with the most points won from completing requirements and from Hazards wins.
- Extended Board: New game board featuring four full seasons for worker placement.
- Structure Cards: New cards that players can build to supplement their existing structure figures.
- Special Workers: New workers with their own special abilities, which players can train.
17 at the UNO Community Center for a request night and seemingly a continuation of the Everything Old is New Again theme from the previous session. Our 10/30 session will be Halloween themed (monsters, zombies, wizards & witches, potions and spells) For the 2nd straight year, Armando will curate our late October session. Come in…
17 at the UNO Community Center for a request night and seemingly a continuation of the Everything Old is New Again theme from the previous session. Our 10/30 session will be Halloween themed (monsters, zombies, wizards & witches, potions and spells) For the 2nd straight year, Armando will curate our late October session. Come in…